Who We Are

I am an ordained minister of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod who travels full-time with my wife, Sabra, in our 5th wheel trailer, writing Christian music and singing it to churches and schools around North America. I play fingerstyle guitar and Sabra plays a Celtic Bodhran. I have been doing this since 1999, but we both hit the road together full-time in May of 2008. We have been on the move constantly since.

What We Do

  • Special worship services
  • Family concerts
  • School chapels and assemblies
  • Special events

Why We Do It

To introduce new music that is solidly Christ-centered, based upon Biblical texts, and encouraging to the people of God.

Life with haRVey

Sabra has a blog that examines the lighter side of what we do, travelling the continent in a 5th wheel trailer. You should go there.